


HIE Launches Free ADT Service to Expand Health Data Exchange

A nonprofit HIE in California is offering a free ADT notification service to boost compliance with the state’s health data exchange framework and improve care coordination Health information exchange (HIE) continues to grow nationwide, with 88% of hospitals participating in electronic health data exchange as of 2021, according to a 2023 ONC data brief. As digital health…

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Manifest MedEx Now Exchanging Real-time Health Data Under the CalHHS Data Exchange Framework (DxF) for DxF Participants

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“Partner with Manifest MedEx, a nonprofit Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO), to Meet Your DxF Requirements” Webinar Recap

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MX February Newsletter

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Manifest MedEx’s February Webinar – Partner with Manifest MedEx, a nonprofit Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO), to Meet Your DxF Requirements

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Manifest MedEx Launches the California ADT Network

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MX January Newsletter

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Manifest MedEx Launches No-Cost California ADT Network

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Manifest MedEx Launches the California ADT Network, a Free Acute and Post-Acute Event Notification Exchange for California

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MX December Newsletter


Los Angeles County Street Medicine Provider Uses Longitudinal Patient Records from Manifest MedEx to Care for Older Adults and Other Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

Media and speaking inquiries

We love to talk about the work we are doing and impact we are making bringing better data for better healthcare to California. Our team includes nationally-recognized experts on health information exchange, ACOs, interoperability, and patient privacy. We can also help connect you with innovative organizations across the state who are participating in our nonprofit network.

Contact for more information.