
Opt-Out of Manifest MedEx

How to opt out of Manifest MedEx
Participation in Manifest MedEx is completely free and voluntary. To opt out of Manifest Medex, complete and submit the information below, or call (800) 490-7617.

What it means to opt out of Manifest MedEx
By opting out of Manifest MedEx, you are choosing not to have your personal health information accessible by your healthcare team and your health plan through the Manifest MedEx system.

What to expect after you opt out of Manifest MedEx
You will receive an email confirmation that your opt-out request has been processed. (If the information you provide when opting out changes before you receive confirmation, please resubmit your request).

What if my request to opt-out was made in error, or I changed my mind and want to participate?
You can make a request to rescind opt-out by clicking here.

Submitting this form on behalf of(Required)
Your Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Your Address(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)