MX November Newsletter
A monthly roundup of news and updates from MX
November 2023 Edition
“Meet Your DxF Requirements with Manifest MedEx, a designated Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO)” Webinar Recap
Manifest MedEx, California’s largest nonprofit health information organization, has been designated a Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO) by the California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS)!
As a QHIO, Manifest MedEx can help healthcare organizations meet their DxF requirements and securely participate in the DxF. Under California law passed in 2021, most healthcare organizations are required to share health data by January 31, 2024 so that every resident in the state can benefit from seamlessly coordinated care and services regardless of where they live or seek care.
Watch the webinar recording to learn how MX can easily help providers, hospitals, health plans, and other organizations comply with the DxF, get access to real-time ADT notifications and longitudinal patient records, and apply for a DSA Signatory Grant. We reviewed the next steps for current MX participants who may also be eligible for these grants.
Follow us on LinkedIn @Manifest MedEx, X @ManifestMedEx, and visit our DxF resource center to stay updated on the Data Exchange Framework, Data Sharing Agreement, QHIO Program, Signatory Grants, policy updates, and upcoming events!
Reminder: MX Access and MX Notify Enhancements Are Coming! Make Sure You're Ready!
As a part of the enhancements we’re making in MX Notify, historical notifications from before November 30, 2023 will no longer be available starting on the evening of December 1, 2023.
If your organization is an active user (i.e., has logged in to MX Notify since May 1, 2023 and has active panels), Manifest MedEx will automatically download your historical notifications from January 1, 2023 through November 30, 2023 for your convenience. Not sure if you are considered an active user? Please contact your Customer Success Account Manager for more information.
If you know you have not logged in to MX Notify since May 1, 2023, or if you wish to save your own copy of your historical notifications, simply follow the steps outlined in our guide on how to download historical notifications.
New notifications will be generated in the enhanced system starting on December 1, and you will be able to see all notifications starting from that date onward when you log in on December 4, 2023.
As a reminder, if you have not signed up for or attended a user training in preparation for new enhancements in MX Access and Notify, please be sure to review our updated resources here to help you navigate and get the most out of these enhanced services or sign up for an Office Hour session below to ask questions.
Friday, December 1 | 11 - 11:30 am |
Monday, December 4 | 12 - 12:30 pm |
Tuesday, December 5 | 9:30 - 10 am |
Wednesday, December 6 | 12 - 12:30 pm |
Thursday, December 7 | 12:30 - 1 pm |
Friday, December 8 | 12 - 12:30 pm |
We look forward to better serving you with these enhancements, and we thank you for your commitment to using health data to improve care for your patients and members as we collectively transform health and health care in California.
Please reach out to your Customer Success Account Manager if you have any questions!
Participant Bright Spot
Riverside Family Physicians (RFP) is a family practice dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for patients in the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino counties). Their team of providers offer primary adult and pediatric care, including telehealth and tele-psychiatry. They also lead multiple care management programs focused on specific populations to promote whole person care.
RFP wanted their care coordination team to be able to follow up with patients after discharge without waiting for the patient to contact them. They joined the Manifest MedEx network in 2018 to access real-time health data to support whole person care before, during, and after a hospital visit. At the time, Riverside Family Physicians was participating in Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP)’s Health Homes Program, a no-cost Medi-Cal benefit that helped eligible IEHP members with certain complex chronic health conditions receive the health care and community services they needed. This program has now transitioned to the Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports program under Cal-AIM, of which RFP is a participating provider.
More recently, RFP turned to Manifest MedEx to meet their data sharing requirements under the California Health and Human Services Agency’s (CalHHS) Data Exchange Framework (DxF). As a designated CalHHS DxF Qualified Health Information Organization (QHIO), MX is helping RFP meet their DxF requirements and securely participate in the DxF by exchanging data securely as required and permitted, reducing the burden on Riverside Family Physicians.
Learn more about the thriving partnership between RFP and Manifest MedEx and how it has enabled better care coordination for RFP’s patients as well as helped advance health data exchange in California more broadly to improve care across the state.
MX Welcomes New Participants
Manifest MedEx, in partnership with HealthNet, is excited to welcome three new hospitals to the Manifest MedEx Network. In addition to sending real-time ADT notifications, Oak Valley District Hospital, Fresno Surgical Hospital, and Southern Inyo Hospital have chosen Manifest MedEx as their designated QHIO to meet California’s DSA requirements. We are excited to work with these facilities to provide quality healthcare for Central California.
News and Events
Manifest MedEx's CEO Erica Galvez will join health care leaders in a discussion titled, "Strategies to Enhance Data Sharing in Medical Research," held on January 25th, and a discussion titled, "Promoting Global Collaboration for Data Sharing: Overcoming Organizational and Sectoral Barriers," held on January 26th, at the 2024 Precision Medicine World Conference.
Additionally, we invite you to connect with MX at the exhibit hall to learn how we partner with organizations at the local and state level to address health equity challenges, improve efficiency and patient outcomes, and enable whole person care as CA's largest non-profit health information organization.
Register here to learn more!
Founded in 2014, Aledade is the largest network of independent primary care organizations in the country, helping primary care practices, Community Health Centers (CHCs), Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), and health clinics deliver better care and thrive under value-based care. Together with 1,500+ practices in 46 states and the District of Columbia, Aledade shares in the risk and reward across more than 150 value-based contracts and is responsible for two million patient lives under medical management.
Success in value-based care requires Aledade providers and care teams to be updated on changes in the status of their patients so that the right care can be provided at the right time. Aledade relies on admission, discharge, and transfer (ADT) notifications to enable clinicians to see when a patient has visited the emergency department (ED) or has been discharged from the hospital. This helps initiate timely post-discharge follow-up to reduce ED readmissions and decrease the number of patients going back to the ED unnecessarily.
To get more ADTs in California, Aledade joined Manifest MedEx in 2020. As of 2023, 35 of CAledade’s practices are participants in Manifest MedEx. Visit our website to learn how the utilization of ADTs supports CAledade's transitional care management (TCM) to improve care coordination, prevent avoidable readmissions, and reduce costs.
Network Growth

New data sources available on MX today:
ADTs from the following participant:
Sushil Anand & Associates Medical Corp DBA American Pediatrics (4 locations)
CCDAs from the following 6 participants:
Quality Care IPA Inland Empire, Inc.
San Bernardino Mountains Community Hospital District
Sushil Anand & Associates Medical Corp DBA American Pediatrics (4 locations)
Lab data from the following participant:
Welcome Health Medical Group
Have questions or want to learn more? We're here to help. Reach out.
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